
Are You Going Green?

Are You Going Green?

We’ve all witnessed over the last few decades the catastrophic effects of pollution on the environment. News broadcasts showing distressing images following the rupture of a pipeline, a fire or a shipwrecking.  The effect on wildlife is devastating and well documented but now we are facing bigger challenges to human life from climate change. Multinational companies, how could they let this happen? I wouldn't allow it. Having always tried to keep up to date with green matters and ways to reduce my impact on the world we all live in I have concluded that it is not enough. We live…
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Extreme Funeral Planning

Extreme Funeral Planning

Should we be planning our funerals like we plan weddings?  I recently found myself, after much channel hopping, watching a TV show called ‘Don’t Tell The Bride’. For those of you who haven’t seen it the basic idea is the groom is given a budget and full control of organising the whole event. He chooses the dress, venue, flowers etc and it’s all revealed to the bride, who has had no involvement, on the wedding day. In this particular episode the bride, unsurprisingly, was really disappointed that the groom had chosen everything according to his tastes and not considered hers…
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Death and Social Media

Death and Social Media

Death, Grief and Social Media Have you ever thought about what will happen to your Facebook and Twitter accounts when you die? I hadn't given it a moments thought until a friend (real and Facebook) of mine died a few years ago. His family chose to keep his Facebook account active. I admit I find it disconcerting when I receive invitations from him to play a game or am told that he ‘likes’ some page or other, yet I can’t bring myself to unfriend him or refuse to accept his posts. Social media is so entrenched in our daily lives…
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When your pet dies

When your pet dies

 What to do when your pet dies. The death of a pet can be a difficult experience. For many of us our pets are companions and part of the family. Older people often feel the loss of a pet as that of losing a friend so it is important to allow ourselves an opportunity to grieve. Those who rely on their pet to help them, guide dog owners, for example, experience a significant loss and change in their lives It is important that we don’t allow others to make us feel that our grief isn’t valid. Comments like, “It was…
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Funeral Memory Table

Funeral Memory Table

How to make a memory table A funeral is a relatively short event. It is a small window of opportunity to celebrate an entire existence with others and gather everyone’s memories. A well delivered eulogy can give us an impression of the deceased but a memory table gives an instant visual representation of what made that person unique. A memory table is a lovely way to create, and share, a real portrayal of the person who has died. As we continue to move towards personalized funeral ceremonies photographs are now a common sight. A memory table is an opportunity to…
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Direct it Yourself. DIY Funeral

Direct it Yourself. DIY Funeral

A good Funeral Director will take all of the work out of funeral arrangements. Many have decades of experience as well as an extensive knowledge of the law and bureaucracy surrounding death. They will liaise with third parties on your behalf, deal with paperwork, pay for services and organise the logistics of funeral planning - making sure everyone’s where they should be, when they need to be. There is, however, no legal requirement for a funeral director to be involved at all. Some families are preferring to go it alone or have a ‘Direct-It-Yourself’ funeral. We do recommend speaking to…
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The Role and Importance of Funeral Photography

The Role and Importance of Funeral Photography

Funeral Photography As we continue to embrace the idea of funerals as life celebrations they are becoming key family events. An opportunity for a family to gather and pay tribute to a life and to say goodbye. We are happy to engage professional photographers for births, christenings, birthdays, proms, weddings and anniversaries. We want our precious moments, as a family, captured, to be remembered and cherished so why not have a photographer to chronicle what are often the most poignant moments in a family history - a funeral?  To find out more about the, often misunderstood, role of a funeral…
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Let’s talk about funerals

Let’s talk about funerals

Let’s talk about…...funerals. It is, for most people, a tricky subject because it necessarily involves giving serious thought to your own mortality. There is also the, perfectly natural, concern that discussing death can be distressing for friends and family. At funeral magazine we believe it’s time to change our thinking. If we can talk openly about death it becomes demystified, less frightening and more widely acceptable as a topic of conversation. We’re all happy to talk about the birth of our children - what pain relief we had, hospital or home birth, who was there. If you apply the same…
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Pass on Your Passwords

Pass on Your Passwords

Don't Forget to Pass on Your Passwords Before You Die. In the course of a lifetime we collect a lot of data and information. Most of us have everything saved to a hard drive, CD or memory stick. My vast collection of treasured photographs, important documents and numerous passwords are all saved within my browser. In turn these are all protected by different device passwords to unlock my laptops and tablets, phone and desktop PC. Of course, it’s possible print off hard copies of all your important documents and photos but these are vulnerable to fire, damage or theft. Have…
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What to wear to a funeral

What to wear to a funeral

What to wear to a funeral? Most of us associate funeral attire with something sombre, usually black and conservative. It is a culture that goes back to Victorian times when mourners would be required to wear black for a year and a half after the death of a loved one. Nowadays the rules and conventions around mourning dress are much less rigid but that can leave us wondering what should I wear to a funeral? Many of us still choose black but over the last few decades any dark colours are seen as acceptable from deep browns, greys, navy blues…
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